Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behaivor does

I run away from you sometimes because I just want to know if you would follow

Look at me

When you look at me and smile it's like for a split second everything stops and your smile pierces through all of the bad in my life and all is well again

Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress


What if your pillow could collect your dreams and when you wake up, you could plug it in to your computer and watch them all over again?
The only guy need in your life is the one that proves that he needs you in his

"The most beautiful makeup for a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy"

-Yves Saint Laurent

Why do i like you?

Maybe it's the fact that you are perfect in my eyes, I always want to be around you, and when I am. All I can do is smile