Love those who always have time when you need them no matter what


Smart girls open their minds

Easy girls open their legs

And foolish girls open their heart

No matter how carefully you choose your words, they'll always end up being twisted by others


Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose...


You'll know he's someone special, when no matter what kind of mood you are in, he can always manage to make you smile
Learn to accept the reality, you're not living in fairytales
Change the way you think, and you can change your world forever.
Your attitude determines your altitude


Young love was such dumb love, call it what you want it...

Was still enough!

Feliz Día de los Enamorados!
14 Febrero 2012

And I'll never give myself to another the way I give it to you


I'm not perfect.

I'll annoy you, tick you off, say stupid things & than take them back.

But put all that aside, you'll never find a girl that cares & loves you more than me

Be careful who you fall in love with, cause someone somewhere won't approve...

Does it cares?

I always have this fear that one day you are going to discover that I'm not as great as you once thought I was
Falling in love is like jumping off a building:
Your brain tells you "It's not a good idea"
While your heart tells you "You can fly!"

I can't explain the smile
that appears on my face
when you talk to me


Someday you'll wake up and realize you lost a precious diamond while you were too busy collecting stones

Show her you love her when you have her, not when she finds someone better because you did't treat her right

Sometimes, the people who don't talk to you are the ones who really want to


I don't know what we are.
Sometimes I feel like we're friends,
sometimes I feel like we're more than friends
but sometimes I feel like I'm just a stranger to you

The first time you fall in love it changes your life forever and no matter how hard you try that feeling never goes away


If you hurt that wrong person
you'll be wrong
you're whole life

Rapida Sencillez

¿Y como hiciste para que te quiera tanto en tan poco tiempo? En estos momentos sos la razón por la cual estoy sonriendo mientras escribo esto o en cualquier momento del día, porque sólo pienso en vos. Porque adoro esos momentos juntos en los que no hacemos nada, sólo permanecemos uno junto al otro en silencio, porque aunque no escuche nada se que te tengo a mi lado. Porque me encanta la manera en que nuestros labios se juntan y todo parece cambiar por unos momentos, porque me olvido de todos mis problemas y siento que nada en el mundo me puede sacar la felicidad que tengo. Porque tus abrazos son todo, simplemente me siento segura y que nada puede ocurrirme. Porque intentas que permanezca feliz cada segundo de mi vida. Simplemente te amo por la manera en que rapida y sencillamente hiciste que sienta muchísimas cosas. Porque no se que haría sin tu compñía en cada momento. Hiciste que me olvidara de todo y te convertiste en mi mayor pensamiento de cada día, me hiciste refleccionar y así comprobar que quien de verdad me quisiera a su lado debería haberlo hecho a tu manera, y por eso no te quiero lejos mío, vos me enamoraste a tu manera y así es perfecto.

Never sacrifice
who you are just beacuse someone has a problem with it

She loves it when...

You kiss her forehead
You hug her from behind
You hold her tight
You're proud of her and mean it
You think about her when you listen a song
You kiss her at romantic places
You kiss her in te rain
You've been together for a long time
I don't want to be just another memory
[not this time]

Forever Young

When you're young everything feels like the end of the world... But it's not, it's just the beginning

I'm so fucking tired of dreaming that things happen, I wanna live them!

We all just want to be loved, we want to have someone, hold our hand during each painful moment and say that it's alrihght.
We just want to lie in bed and feel someone else lying next to us
To get something you've never had,
you have to do something you've never done
Some girls act like bitches so they won't get hurt
Some girls are bitches because they got hurt

The greatest relationships are the ones you never expected to be in, the ones that swept you off your feet and changed every view you've


We don't need to rush. If somethings bound to happen it will happen. In the right time, with the right person and for the best reason
Don't lose hope
(You never know what tomorrow will briing)

I'm only me

-It's like when I'm alone everyone is laughing at me and throwing stones at me, and it hurts so much, I'm bleeding and crying, and then you appear and hug me and no one even dare to speak...

I'm good, but I'm not an angel
I'm bad, but I'm not a devil
I'm just a girl in a big world

No juzgues

Ves a esa chica sin cabello? Tiene cancer
Ves a ese chico llorando? Su madre esta muriendo lentamente
Ves a ese chico raro jugando con sus juguetes? No tiene ningun otro amigo
Ves a esa adolecente embarazada? La violaron y no aborta porque respeta la vida
Ves a ese chico rebelde que falta a clases todo el tiempo? Esta cuidando que su hermana no se suicide
Ves a ese chico al que llamas gordo? Tiene un problema de salud
Ves a esa chica con una operacion en la nariz? Tuvo una sirugia plástica porque no se sentia lo suficientemente bien
Ves a ese chico violento? En su casa vive siendo maltratado
Ves a esa chica sonriendo? Se esta muriendo por dentro
No tienes la menor idea sobre lo que lo que pasa la gente. No juzges


Let's stay up to watch the sunrise then miss it because we were too busy watching each other


Making up scenarios in your head that you wish would happen between you and the person you like
It's okay to have flaws...


When a woman cuts her hair off it's not about waiting a cute new look. No matter what anyone sayd, it's about sheer emotional turmoil.
Women know how much men love their hair, and so what they cut it off. There are effectively cutting men off, from their beauty, from their attractiveness to them and from their love. It's a clear gesture of defiance dissatisfaction or despair.


Si alguien te lastima, te hace mal y rompe tu corazón... Perdonalos, porque ellos son los que te han enseñado sobre la confianza y la importancia de ser cauteloso cuando abres tu corazón hacia los demás
Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about