Photography Graphics, Tumblr Photography
22 de Octubre de 2010
Mis 15!!!

A year without rain

Can you feel me, when I think about you
With every breath I take
Every minute, no matter what I do
My world is an empty place
Like I've been wondering desert
For a thousand days

Don't know if it's a mirage
But I always see your face, baby

I'm missing you so much
Can’t help it, I'm in love
A day without you is like
A year without rain
I need you by my side
Don't know how I'll survive

A day without you it's like a year without rain.

I'm just a girl, trying find a place in this world...

and if it means
marrying you
with a rign pop
instead of a diamond,
i'd do it.

we stopped cheking for monsters under our bed when we realised they were inside of us

Once you party with us...
You'll be falling in love!!
I'm only crazy about one thing:
you and me

for ever
and ever
and ever
and ever
and ever
and ever

Sólo tienes una vida para hacer lo que quieras. En 100 años nadie se acordará de los errores estúpidos que hiciste, así que has un estúpido de ti mismo mientras todavia tienes la oportunidad, porque si tratas toda tu vida de ser el más "cool" entre los demás, nunca serás feliz contigo mismo.
i want to:
  • spend a whole day with you
  • kiss you in the rain
  • feel your hand in mine
  • cry while you hold me
  • wake up next to you
  • go to sleep next to you
  • take a picture with you
  • travel with you
  • give you something special
  • feel your heart beat



life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain

love is a canvas finished by nature and embroidered by imagination

the memory
of our first kiss
makes it hard
for me to breath
you give me the kind of feeling peolple write novels about

Alguna ves alguien dijo: "Después de una tormenta, siempre sale el sol"
I can remember that ever lived this situation, someone stole my heart, I fell in love and then they returned it back broken, but now with you I'm happier than ever, because i know that you would never be able to break my heart.

Felices 7 meses amor :)

6 de Octubre de 2010

Felices 7 meses amor!! Gracias por los mejores meses de mi vida. Te amo más que a nadie y SIEMPRE va a ser así. Sos lo mejor que me paso y no tengo palabras para decirte todo lo que te amo y lo que te extraño cada día que pasa. Te amo y mucho amor, y espero que esto siga por mucho tiempo más. Gracias por ayudarme siempre en todo y nunca dejarme sola. Sos lo mejor que tengo :) te amo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo teamo.

That's all we shared, do you think it's to much?


Magia, eso hay cuando estoy con vos. Como si el tiempo se detuviera y no halla nadie más que vos a mi alrededor, sólo vos. Te amo, y demasiado. Creo que nunca en mi vida llegue a amar tanto a una persona como es esto. Me siento diferente, única, y contigo todo el distinto, pero en el buen sentido. Distinto en el sentido de que jamás me voy a sentir sola o sin alguien quien confiar, porque sé que vos vas a estar ahí. Te amo.


What is perfection?
It's just something that does not have anything imperfection or even something that it's completely right?

For me, you are perfect.
For me, everyone looks perfect if you want.
For me, this tree, this simple tree, it's beautiful and perfect

Best Friends secrets
I know I'm crazy
I know it's all about thinking of you
I know is just because i don't think well
and i know it's because you don't let me concentrate

Maybe I need some rehab
Or maybe just need some sleep
I got a sick obsession
I'm seeing it in my dreams

Your love is my drug

El Rayo Negro en Bs. As.